Sunday, October 4, 2009

7 weeks 6 days

and I feel absolutely miserable...hehe

I had all these plans to eat all healthy and perfect and now I can hardly eat...i am sooo nauseous...
So I am doing the best I can.

I had decided no caffeine, no sodas, no herbal teas...just water and orange juice. But today I had to have a small glass of ginger ale because since yesterday I was almost unable to eat or drink anything. I have been nauseous 24/7 since Thursday morning and it had gotten worse every day.

Hey I cannot live of of dry bread....sigh

So today I resorted to ginger ale and caffeine free peppermint tea.
Yesterday my progesterone shot had been very painful bad that i could not sleep. I kinda switched sides but have a hard time doing the left because I am right handed since I had not been feeling good and got lazy and did the right side because it is easier ....but now I have to do the left.
oh well couple more weeks sure I can handle it...

tomorrow i have acupuncture and that will hopefully fix the nausea...
So I can eat .....and drink a lot more.

Yes I am a first time mommy and I would like to do everything perfect....silly I know

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