Friday, April 30, 2010

can't wait to see what baby looks like

okay I am ready...cannot wait to see what the baby looks like.

One one hand I am wondering and am a little afraid if the baby looks nothing like me (and how can it not) what will people say? do I care? Maybe a little.

But on the other hand people always say : Oh he/she looks just like you even if they do not.

My cousin has one child that look like neither her nor her husband.

I think I am just worried about everything for the last two weeks...sigh

But I am still soooooooo excited to see what my baby is gonna look like

Thursday, April 29, 2010


so there is not much to report....just counting the days.
Glad I do not have to work to much longer.
My feet get huge every day ...sometimes before lunch.
And sometimes the swelling does not even really go down over night.
so I am glad when work is down and I can put my feet up all day when I need to.

Monday, April 26, 2010

baby update

so the baby is still in breach and my doc scheduled a c-section in two weeks.

I am excited, scared and full of a bunch of different emotions.
This is also my last week at work....maybe forever as I am considering miving back home.
Nobody knows..sigh

yeah lots going on.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

heartburn and cramping

So things have gotten a little challenging.
Since thursday I have been cramping in the mornings and at night.
And for the past 2 days I have had some evil heartburn.
But I am hanging in there....the heartburn is a little tough because it has reached new heights were I actually wake up at night because I feel like I have thrown up a little or am about to.
The other night I woke up choking ....thought I was gonna have a panic attack.
Sigh....but I am coping and trying to make myself comfortable. Almost have to sit up in bed to go to sleep.

Heartburn I had in my 13 weeks of nausea too but nothing like this...
I already had no appetite but now I have even less. i have a constant burn in my throat with everything I eat or drink. Not pleasant.

BUT it is all for the great good and I am happy to go thru it matter how much i complain....haha

hanging on in there....end stretch...

I have discovered a new level of heartburn....holy cow...afraid to go back to sleep

Thursday, April 15, 2010

lots of cramping

wow so I am getting closer.
Yesterday morning lots of back and stomach cramps.
And some more today. And it makes me really goofy. I catch myself making mistakes at work or just turning really slow and I have a hard time concentrating on what I do.
so today I left a little early. Thank goodness I started pouring rain on my way home....roads floaded and it took me forever to get home....but i got home safe.
I took a nap...felt my back is hurting again and slight cramping in back and stomach again....

guess its gonna be an early bedtime.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I always thought that people would be all nice and sweet when you are pregnant.
Well not so....I still receive a lot of ugly.
Is it just me or does this happen to everyone?

So I am learning every day to let go of non-supporters....
The closer I get to have my baby the easier this gets.

Monday, April 12, 2010

35 weeks

5 more weeks to go....

i have been super busy...i am in organizer mode.
Sorted out a lot of junk. got rid off stuff and just basically decluttered the whole house.
I love it ...I am usually not good at throwing stuff away....but these days it goes easy.

Last week I had super swollen feet...went to doctor and they made me do a 24hr urine test.
No fun at all.

Baby is still in breach ...still feel the kicking way down...

other than that not much going everything washed, folded and organized.
All I need is a diaper bag.

Monday, April 5, 2010

doing well....forgetting everything

I am doing well...except I forget posting on my blog.
I have lists and sticky notes for everything.
I have sticky notes on my calender, in my car and on my couch....sigh...roll eyes.

I organized all the baby stuff.....washed all the clothes and now gotta fold them and put them

I am fine except for my swollen feet and my sleep troubles.
Baby is fine but still in breach