Sunday, April 18, 2010

heartburn and cramping

So things have gotten a little challenging.
Since thursday I have been cramping in the mornings and at night.
And for the past 2 days I have had some evil heartburn.
But I am hanging in there....the heartburn is a little tough because it has reached new heights were I actually wake up at night because I feel like I have thrown up a little or am about to.
The other night I woke up choking ....thought I was gonna have a panic attack.
Sigh....but I am coping and trying to make myself comfortable. Almost have to sit up in bed to go to sleep.

Heartburn I had in my 13 weeks of nausea too but nothing like this...
I already had no appetite but now I have even less. i have a constant burn in my throat with everything I eat or drink. Not pleasant.

BUT it is all for the great good and I am happy to go thru it matter how much i complain....haha

hanging on in there....end stretch...


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