Friday, August 10, 2007

Ultrasound & Estrogen level & cyst

Today I had another ultrasound....I have a 16mm cyst.
That does generally not concern me because I have had them off and on for over 10 years.
But my nurse seemed concerned. I would guess a cyst is not good when you are trying to
carry a baby eventually.
My Estrogen Level is great.
But ....yes there is always a BUT
Tomorrow I will find out if my donor has enough eggs to split between me and the other
egg recipient. Yes I am sharing a donor.
And if she does not have enough eggs the primary which is not me will receive the eggs.
And me?
They may ask another donor and recipients that are at the same stage if they wanna share.
So that sucks.....
And I find myself unsure why the heck I am not the primary?!?!?

I am not ready for bad news tomorrow.

I wish I would not have to do this alone.

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