Monday, January 21, 2008

yeah I ovulated today

My fertility chart says that I ovulated. And my temperature stayed above the line for 3 days.

This is so great. And I am feeling well. Acupuncture has helped me so much in my life.
I have more energy...not all the time but I have good or great days.
I used to have headaches 3-4 times a week because of stress and now I have them every few months. And I have not had a migraine since I started treatments.
All I need to do now is get my sleeping under control...right now it takes me hours to fall asleep.
So hopefully that will be the next step.

Things are good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My acupuncture visits haven't done much for my old/hard-boiled eggs (and I'm only 37!) but it has done wonders for my back so I hear you on the migraine when my back hurts I'm surprised. It did help w/ the blood flow to uterus except that it's totally wasted on me...just found out my first IVF was cancelled due to poor response...infertility sucks!

By the way...I read this really funny Barbie spoof on infertility so I'm passing it along: (unfortunately I'm "veteran Barbie"LOL)

