Sunday, August 16, 2009

life in limbo

for the past few days I have just felt semi happy but anxious and restless.
i am sooo tired of my life being in limbo....I am like on a waiting line....

always it gonna happen or is it not.
I cannot plan anything....can't date ....heck I am afraid to even talk to guys...afraid that someone likes me and then I have to tell........

I just wanna be pregnant and then I will be seen as normal...then people will know why i do not drink...or why I stay away from guys....

Life in Limbo sucks so bad.............and it has been like this for 3 years..........

Sad to say my life was easier when I was drinking....I would it is always there.......I know that makes me sound pathetic....but that is how I feel....that is what is my life or what has become of it....

so and now that I am a little depressed it is time for some form of exercise to get me some happy hormones...sigh

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