Friday, January 23, 2009

So I went to go look at new donors

Okay so I am trying to be all upbeat about this.
I went shopping for my baby momma today. HAHA

Okay seriously I went to go look at new donor options. There was 3 potential candidates that are willing to share recipients (half the cost).
Two of them had abortions at one point in their life which I more than hate.
And one is part Filipino which I am not.

I used to want to pick donors that looked like me or kinda like me. This time I decided to make a smart and not emotional decision. I picked the one with the best eggs and the most follicles. So I picked the most fertile girl in the bunch. So now I just have to wait for a phone call from my nurse/coordinator to let me know if the couple that has already picked her is willing to share.
It would save them half the cost, but of course their child and mine would be some sort of related which off course is rather odd. The donor herself does not have any kids yet.
Very strange feeling but hey if there is no other way you get over a lot of hang-ups you may have had.
And for number 2 I picked a really cute light Hispanic girl. She also had an abortion once and has no kids now. But she is already 30. And the last one is half white half Filipino and cute and has one kid.
They all seem to be very smart and have some sort of degree and are healthy.

I still don't feel very comfortable picking mom and dad for my child but it seems to be my only option other than adoption.
I spent a year now to try to revive my own stuff with acupuncture but I seem to have failed. So now I am doing what I think i have to.

So now I sit and wait...I better be good at waiting because there is gonna be a lot of it.
This is a new start a new year. I wanna be very positive and hopeful about this and about everything in my life. Maybe I was not ready two years ago that is why things did not go well with the last donor. So now I have took a year off and I am ready to start fresh.

Infertile World here I come.

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