Saturday, November 22, 2008

I had a good day

So yesterday I had a really good day.
All my friends were busy and there is no more racing and I was feeling bummed and anxious all week so I decided to just have a fun day by myself.
And it was a good day and I got lotsa compliments.

First my dermatologist told me that I do so not look my age.
I was so baffled all I could do is say: "Thank You!"

Then the gals at my post office told me that I always look so nice whenever I do come in.( I do go there a lot since I sell on ebay).

Then I had lunch at my favorite restaurant. And did a little shopping for me at JCP.
And got great bargains so I was in a great mood.

And in the evening I went to TGIF with a friend that I had not seen in a few months and he told me I looked a lot younger since the last time he had seen me.
And this is a guy that does usually not even notice when I drastically change my hair color.

So damnnnn yesterday made me feel so good about myself. Maybe my 20 lbs weight loss is showing now. Or my new facial products I gifted myself last week?


whatever it is ...It feels soooo good, especially when ya left the house thinking you look like shit or at least not your best.

So now I am off to start another day and hopefully this will give me more confidence to interact with people and be around kids. Yesterday all I saw was pregnant women every where I went. I even made myself chit-chat with one about the due date...that was rough...but I did it.

So here I go off to another day.

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