Friday, May 14, 2010

Had a baby girl this i am trying to figure out the art of breast feeding


Anonymous said...

Hi Savannah,

How is doing with breastfeeding? it's so amazing how much pain you had to go through to bring her in to this world only if she knew!!! some day she will!

What's her name?

S said...

sorry for the late has been crazy but awesome...breastfeeding got a lil better since we moved home but mostly she only likes it early in the morning in bed...later she needs her bottle
and I am not sure if I will ever be brave enough to tell her...

I will tell u what her middle name is...Faith

Anonymous said...

Savannah, so good to hear from ! Yay:)
Aw so cute.... Bottle is good too :)))) I wanna kiss her on her cheeks so bad:)) but I can't so pls do that for me.

When I have my baby I will never tell because there iS nothing to tell she is all mine, I fought for her, I made her....

Faith..... You are a smart girl. Faith is so lucky ....:))))

Good luck Savannah.