Saturday, May 31, 2008

Infertility is getting the best of me!!

Well a lot of not so good things have happened.
Apparently my stress level is hindering my process.
My acupuncturist had a good lil talking to me. And trust me finding out that u are your own worst enemy is not a great feeling.
Finding out that the job u used to love makes u miserable, not good either.
But I have no self-esteem, no clothes that fit me and no confidence that I will find a job right now. I am way to scared. So I try to make the best out of this one.
I only worked 3 days this week and look and feel like shit.
I am not sure what I am gonna do.
And then I hurt my back and now we are treating that so I can walk, then we go back to my female issues. Also since I cannot work extra hours right is low.

Gosh I need a break.

Someone throw me a bone...can't something decent happen to me?

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