Friday, February 13, 2009

waiting ....

so I am waiting for my period.....5 years ago I never thought I say that out loud.
Always dreaded it now I am waiting for I can call the clinic and they can get blood and do testing to get my charts updated on my current health or lack there off for their files before we start allover again.

Almost there...yeahaaa
Well hopefully my monthly curse is the reason I have been soooo horrible tired for the past at least 10 days. I can only hope that there is nothing else wrong with me.
Well since they are gonna take my blood I am sure they would know. If it does not go away I guess I am gonna have to see a doctor. It is very unusual for me to take a 3 hour nap every day after work for more than a week. I am almost falling asleep on my way hoem from work. So hopefully just a wonderful side effect of being a woman as my body seems to come up with new versions of PMS or PMDD or whatever they call all this shit.

So now I wait and then hope that all my test at the clinic come out fine and that I am still woman enough to do this...sigh

So and now I am gonna get up and make myself do something cause I could already go back to bed and I just barely had breakfast

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