so my newest project is sleep training. and it sucks. So my lil one has always slept in her own bed...but for a few weeks now she cries as soon as I put her near the bed. So we have started sleep training...meaning I have to let her cry and cannot take her out except for changing diaper... The first night I cried...the second I cleaned the whole appartment the third night I cleaned lets see how long this takes cause it is like pure torture for me. Sigh
Hi Savannah,
Sleep training sounds great and funny the way you said it!
So nice to see you and your lil one bonding like best friends! I could see you guys in a few years together hanging out in Starbucks drinking pumpkin latte during holiday season, Going shopping !. Mother and daughter! Best friends! Just like Gilmore girls!
Isnt that great?
So nice to see you blogging mire often!
Good luck!
oh its not funny..its heartbreaking for me....yes I hope we one day will be like the gilmore gals...since me and my mom never were...haha good memory..pumpkin latte, darn it has been sooo long....
best wishes to you as always...hugs from the gilmore gals
Sorry Savannah! You're right , it's heartbreaking! To watch your daughter cry all night Long!!! How is that working out? Why don't you let her sleep in your bed?
Uh Motherhood is so hard!!!
Yes I remember that you refused to drink your pumpkin latte during that fall when you found out you were pregnant!
I think you gals will be very close and best friends!
And yes, from now on I will call you guys "Gilmore gals":))
Good luck!
omg I wont even start to let her sleep in my bed...or she will be there when she is 20...haha..I wouldnt let go.
When she wakes up in the middle of the night I will put her in my bed...and every morning when she wakes up and then we hang for another 30 min to an hour
yeah I was soooo careful when I was pregnant ...wanted to eat all healthy and all and then I could only eat potatoes and waffles for 2 months...hehe...not very healthy
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