Sunday, December 6, 2009

keeping my chin up

So i am trying my best not to let the world or shall I say my family put me down.
And the ones not supporting me don't even know about the egg donation part just the sperm donor many conservative people in my family.
guess they would have rather seen me turn into a miserable alcoholic with 17 cats then have a baby the NOT-NORMAL way.

very strange to me.

Hey i may be far in debt and have no plan as in how to afford a 2 bedroom apartment or how to make it with my paycheck but I have friends that will help me and although I am not super religious I do believe that since god got me this far he will get me the rest of my way.

I am the happiest I have ever been ...even if I don't look it and even when I feel miserable.

And I stick with the one cat....haha...I don't miss getting drunk and stupid at all....I just sometimes miss coffee....especially my pumplin spice latte....but i got to smell it the other smelled great....


Katrina said...

Savannah, Your story reminds me so much of that which several friends have also endured.

It takes courage to decide to go for egg donation with all the emotional stress it brings. Too often people do not realise the pull of "motherhood" is not something we can all naturally achieve.

Here in CT my friends were lucky in that we have the New England Fertility Institute who when approached showed from start to finish a proffessionalism that was second to none.

NEFI’s egg donation program is probably among the largest and most successful in the Northeast. Hopefuly you can find something similar in Texas.

Praying you get what you wish for and wishing you ever success in the future.


S said...

thank you soo much.
yes sometimes it is not easy