Saturday, August 29, 2009

bedrest is boring

well obviously texting updates does not work well they come in crooked scratch was just easier to type form cell than laptop
now I allowed myself back to laptop.....just not on my lap.
Well I am very lazy and love to lay in bed or on the couch all day but apparently not when I have too...haha

I am in good spirits...yesterday I had some cramping but I read allover the net that that is normal. This time was differnet. First time I did not feel transfer or anything afterwards. This time I felt cramping during and after. And nope that is no inidcator of how good or bad it worked...sigh

but i am calm....gonna keep busy for the next two weeks...hopefully work won't be stressful

So I am just laying on the couch caressing my belly....hoping....but don't dare to dream....maybe a little

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