Tuesday, September 4, 2007

not much new

So I went to my psychologist again today...
I feel so much better afterwards.
Seems strange how talking to a professionl helps versus talking to
regular people. Guess I am always afraid of being judged or getting
negative comments on what I am doing.
So blogging and talking to my psychologist feels so much better.
I leave the office with a much lighter heart and a smile on my face.
And I just feel like my batteries have been recharged to face my daily
live again.

Still no further news from my fertility clinic. But I am learning to be more
And I am so excited.

Oh and I watched part of OPRAH today and saw this couple that has a website
that loans out money to people allover the world. And as little as 25 bucks can
help someone in another country start a business. And then eventually they pay
ya back.

Wow I thought that was soooo cool!

this is the website


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