Well I got another call from yet another nurse form my clinic today.
She confirmed yet again that the donor does not have enough eggs and is out for me.
And possibly for the other couple too.
And there is no other donors that can share because they are going
thru a donor agency
and not the clinic.
AND there is no other donors right now.
So I am back to the beginning....3 steps forward 6 back.......
Now I have to think about if I will just wait or get my own donor which will at least
double the cost.
I am
sooo tired........so frustrated and so depressed.
I am even thinking about going to see the Psychiatrist that the clinic had me go see for
an initial evaluation. I just feel so overwhelmed with this waiting for a donor game, work, being alone in this and in life......wow just everything.
And I am taking this all fairly
calmly and that has me worried even more.
I think I am gonna explode with stored up emotions one of these days and go off one someone.
I just feel hopeless. And all I want is just to have a baby.